Summer 2013 - Southwest
Take Two

Santa Fe, NM

August 20, 2013

Santa Fe Information

Area Map


Photographs and Commentary
Click on picture to enlarge

This is likely to be our last entry for this trip. We start on the journey home tomorrow and unless something unusual comes up, I won't be writing anything.

Today was devoted to visiting the two New Mexico State Museums, The Governor's Palace/New Mexico History Museum and the New Mexico Museum of Art. Most of the time was spent at the Palace of the Governors/New Mexico History Museum. The Palace and museum are connected and both trace the history of New Mexico from the time of the arrival of the first Spanish conquistadors to today. The Palace is a treasure in itself. Built in 1610 (remember the pilgrims didn't arrive on the East Coast until 1620), it has been in continuous use since then.

We walked through the New Mexico Museum of Art relatively quickly. I guess I couldn't really get into the exhibits, but that doesn't mean that it is not worthy of visiting. It was just not "my thing."

Following our visit to the museums we, once again, walked in and out shops around the Plaza until the clouds started building up and it started to rain lightly. Right after we got back to the hotel, the sky opened up and a series of thunderstorms came through the area. We can't complain about the weather since we have only one or two evening thunderstorms since we left Albuquerque.

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